Wen Ze Chen was born and spent his childhood in the south China city of Zhangxhou. From the age of six , Wen knew that the only life for him was art. Drawing relentlessly with any materials available filled Wen's next decade.
Wen was admitted to Shuzhou Fine Art University with the highest marks possible from all students in China. The body of work Wen created while at the University garnered a request for him to teach at the university level for the next eight years.
In 1992, Wen left China to pursue his art in the United States. Wen became a U.S, citizen in 2000, but still enjoys vacationing in China with his wife and two daughters. The years since arriving in America have been filled with the exploration of all mediums and subject areas of art. However, the last ten years have seen Wen turn exclusively to creating oil paintings with a palette knife. Currently, Wen's deft touch allows him to create deep and richly textured landscapes that are fresh air to the world of art. This style of painting is completely unique to Wen Ze Chen and has been recognized by sales that span the globe.
The serenity you find in Wen's paintings comes from the mountains he lives on as well as the surrounding countryside. Although he has traveled extensively across America and Europe, his mountaintop studio and home center his life. Wen walks the quiet back roads of north Georgia and turns the peace he finds there into paintings that speak to the quiet place we all need for ourselves in this hectic time.
1980 - 1984 Bachelor degree in Art and Craft at Su Zhou Institute of Silk Technology
2001 Eight works added to Blue Ridge Public Library collection, Blue Ridge, GA
2000 "Buddha" awarded Excellent Prize on the National Art Competition, Wu-DouZi Museum, China
1996 -98 Chairman of Chinese Artist Association of Atlanta
1996 First Place Still Life, Atlanta Artist Club
1995 "India Dance", First Place, Atlanta Artist Club Annual Exhibition
1995 "Sacrificial Rote", First Place, Atlanta Artist Club
1993 "Two Elephants" won 2nd place at yearly Dogwood Show
1993 Honorable Mention,Gwinnett Council for the Arts Members exhibition
1984 Excellent Prize, Hong Kong Silk Fashion General Exhibition
1983 - 84 Chairman of Water Color Society at Suzhou Branch, Jin Su Province
2001 "Guan Yin", Who's Who of North American Overseas Chinese Artist II
2000 "Buddha" published in "The Works of Famous Chines Artists"
1999 "Black Boy" oil painting, "Always Bright: Paintings by American Chinese Artists 1970-1999"
1998 Feature article in "Blue Milk"Artist Magazine
1997 "Atlanta Urban Sight" featured on the cover of "Where Atlanta"
1995 "Artists of Chinese Origin" in "North American Overseas Directory"
1993 Interviewed by "Time Magazine", September, 1993
1987 "Li Son Yin", ShangHai Art Publication
1984 "Pattern of Yuan Gang Stone Cave Sculpture", "Chinese People's Art" Publication
1983 Pattern Works, "Practical Art Magazine"
1995 One Man Show at Atlanta Botanical Gardens.
1994 New works "Yuan Gang Cave Serials" shown at Atlanta City Hall
1994 New works "Yuan Gang Cave Serials" shown at AAAC Gallery
1993 Personal show at Asian Square Grand Opening Art Exhibition
1993 Personal show at Central Congregation Church, Atlanta
1993 Personal show at Gallery of Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta
1993 New works shown in Atlanta Artist Club Gallery
1993 "Buddha" shown at 6th National Juried Art Exhibition South Cobb Art Alliance
1993 Self portrait entered the AAC Traveling Show of Georgia
1992-93 "Young Chinese Prize awarded Artists in America", New York
1992 Textile and fashion pattern designer for D.S.F. Creative Consultant Ltd., NY
1984-92 Lecturedin Architecture and Art Department of Hua Qiao University, China
1988-92 Architectural Renderings for Hua Qiao Architecture and Civil Corporation
1991 Sculpture "Strength" for Nan Feng Textiles Ltd., Hong Kong
1990 Wall painting "Weaving Spirits", for Nan Feng Textiles Ltd., Hong Kong