Born: Salt Lake City, UT 1955
1979 B.F.A. University of Utah, emphasis graphic design/illustration
1996 Trained with John Erickson, and Paul Davis, University of Utah
1996 Trained with Carl Brenders, Rod Frederick, Jackson, WY
1997 Trained with Nelson Shanks, New York Academy of Art, New York City
2001 Trained with Anthony Ryder, Portraits, Seattle Academy of Fine Art, Seattle, WA
2001 Trained with Anthony Ryder, Portrait and Figure Drawing, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2004 Trained with Burton Silverman, Portrait and Figure Painting, Scottsdale, Arizona
2008 Represented by Atlanta Art Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Williams Fine Art, Salt Lake City, UT
Phillips Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT
2003-2006 Represented by Leslie Levy Fine Art, Scottsdale, AZ and Phillips Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT 2001- 2003 Represented by Stable Fine Art, Salt Lake City, UT
1999 - 2001 Represented by Williams Fine Art, Salt Lake City, UT
1992 - 1999 Represented by the Repartee Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT
1989 - 1996 (as freelance artist), Clients: LDS Church, Deseret Book Publishing, Bookcraft Publishing,
Embryo Music
1995-present Member of adjunct faculty for the Art Department of the Salt Lake, Community College,
Salt Lake City, UT