Gayle B. Tate (American, born 1944), a native of Midwest America, was born in Texas and raised as a world traveler, being the son of a career army officer. He studied engineering at the University of Wyoming from 1962-64, then graduated from Florida State University in 1967. He then served in the United States Air Force for five years as a commissioned officer, being honorably discharged in 1972 with the rank of Captain. Desiring to go into studio productions, he pursued extensive private studies at the Loch Haven Art Center in Orlando and with private ateliers in Orlando, Tampa, Asheville, North Carolina and Laramie, Wyoming.
Mr. Tate has achieved international recognition and major auction sales through his work as a trompe l’oeil painter in oils. Of particular importance are the artist’s works depicting images of paper currency. Added to his craftsmanship are his unique and often ironic observations and themes, resulting in works that viewers and critics alike remember for their wit and insightful commentary as much as for their technical achievement.
Mr. Tate continues a regular study of his craft, particularly of the dynamics of color in his trompe l’oeil paintings. The result is that he is able to present his enthusiastic world view with excellence and taste. His refined classical techniques and craftsmanship transcend both old and new eras of art history, and assure him a place in the defining of an American national style.
Tate’s work has been sold through many of the major auction houses of America, including:Christie’s, New York Sotheby’s, New York.....Skinners, Boston.....Weschler’s, Washington, D.C. Auction records are found in most auction reference price guides, including Davenport.....Hislop.....Falk.....Meyer.....Franklin & James.
Biographical information appears in Who’s Who in American Art.....Internationale Biographie....Biographical Encyclopedia of American Painters, Sculptors, & Engravers.....Men of Achievement.....New York Art Review American Artists, An Illustrated Survey.
Collections and Galleries Include Vose Gallery, Boston.....Richard York Gallery, New York.....Spanierman Gallery, New York Creight-Davis Galleris, Washington, D.C.......Atlanta Art Gallery, Atlanta.......David Cook Gallery, Denver Roughton Galleries, Dallas.....Hall Galleries, Dallas.....Van de Gridd-Marr Gallery, Santa Fe.....G. B. Tate & Sons, Laramie, Wyoming.
Mr. Tate’s Affiliations Include Trompe L’Oeil Society of Artists.....“The Seven”, Alliance of Artists, Asheville, North Carolina.....Southeast Professional Art Dealers Association, Tampa